Digital Marketing Agency | Tampa Florida
(919) 931-0322
April 9, 2022

Is E-commerce a Field of Dreams for Small Business Owners?

Many small businesses feel e-commerce is simple and everyone is generating revenue.

But is that true?

Their line of thinking is, “if we build a website we will grow our business exponentially.”

This is what we refer to as Field of Dreams Syndrome for SMBs.

With some of the great tools and easy to use platforms available today – like Shopify or WooCommerce for example – many small business owners start to build a basic site themselves and believe business will show up eager to purchase.

Swing and a miss with launching an e-commerce website for small businesses

We see this often and after 3 months to a year depending on the client’s patience we are called in to try and “fix their problem.”

Small business owners launch into website creation themselves or with a freelancer (often with great enthusiasm) …but they do so without clear direction or an understanding of all the details and components involved in launching a website successfully. Quite often they’ll need the help of a Shopify expert.

Why is this?

While enthusiasm is great and is much needed, a successful launch – and maintained success – requires a real marketing and operations plan

Fundamentally this happens because there are layers to e-commerce and building a solid foundation for the layers is critical to success.

When small business owners start off in one direction, but then hand over their website management to us, our team generally has to rebuild the site from the ground up.

Sometimes we can work with the existing site, but many times we have to just start over.

Most of the small businesses are confused by this and feel we are trying to over-complicate and overcharge for our services.

Adding or creating an e-commerce website takes proper planning for it to be a home run

The fact is, it is more about the foundation and fitting the layers on top perfectly.

For us this starts with a real marketing strategy, quality content, a good user experience, strong call to action and integrated reporting (along with much more based on our years of experience).

If one of those elements is off, everything is off.

And to be clear there are many elements that make each one of these layers optimized and create a customer journey that appeals to both SEO and end users.

If you’re struggling to plan a new launch – or have already launched – our team can work with you and help guide you to success. To talk with us about your website, please contact us at 919-931-0322.

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